Wednesday, July 30, 2008

range graded proportional map

A range graded proportional map is one that uses the size of circles on a map to show the grade of a variable. The bigger the circle the higher the grade. It is different that a proportional circles map because only a certain range of circles are used. This is where I found the image.

Univariate map

A univariate map is one that only shows one set of data. In the map above it is showing income as the one variable. This is where I found the image.

unstandardized chloropleth map

Unstandardized chloropleth maps are unranked. There is not one unit that is higher than another. In this way it is a type of nominal area chloropleth map because nominal data is naturally unordered. This is where I found the image.

nominal area chloropleth map

A nominal area chloropleth map is a chloropleth map that displays nominal data. Here is where I found the image.

Bivariate map

A bivariate map displays two variables on a single map by combining two different sets of graphic symbols or colors. Here is where I found the image.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Population profile

A population profile is a graph showing population over time. This is where I got the image.

Lorenze graph

A Lorenze graph is a graph for showing the concentration of ownership of economic quantities such as wealth and income; it is formed by plotting the cumulative distribution of the amount of the variable concerned against the cumulative frequency distribution of the individuals possessing the amount. I found the image at: (